UJW Feeding Schemes

UJW feeds over 400 people every day
If you’ve never experienced hunger, it is difficult to imagine what it is like to go without food. Sadly, too many people in our impoverished communities suffer from debilitating hunger and malnutrition. And never more so than during the COVID-19 pandemic which has led to devastating unemployment and rapid escalation in food prices.

Washing machine donation to hospital

A retired social worker from Port Elizabeth’s Dora Nginza Hospital requested UJW to donate a washing machine to assist with the washing of theatre gowns for doctors in the Gynae and Obsteterics wards, as surgeries were having to be postponed as a result of a shortage of theatre gowns. UJW assisted by donating an industrial washing…


This Mitzvah Day UJW Cape Town was honored to be able to contribute goods to the Jewish Community Service cottages. Items donated included a lounge suite (2 couches and a chair); a bed; a huge flat screen TV; dinner plates and cereal bowls; clothing; towels and a food processor. 


PE has endured a drought for years, and water is precious. Thanks to a generous donation from Australians Sheli and Michael Wallach, UJW was able to provide a 2 500 litre water tank and accessories to Uviwe’s vegetable garden. The rain water is used for the garden, as well as for teaching the children about sanitizing…


With thanks to the UJW and St David’s Congregational Church knitters, UJW PE donates beautiful hand knitted blankets, beanies, jerseys and teddies to ‘Baby Lover’s Blessings’. “After all these years I am still shocked when I see what we saw today. Two little babies at 2 maternity wards only with a nappy on and in…

UJW Sewing School graduates model creations

The outfits modeled by graduates of the Union of Jewish Women’s (UJW’s) Sewing School were all the more spectacular for the fact that some of their creators had never seen a sewing machine prior to the four-month course. They were modelled at the school’s graduation ceremony at Oxford Shul on 15 December to much excitement…